About Us
The workshop specializes in making different armour to order. Our armour perfectly suits for Battle of the Nations and other medieval festival
All prices for products in ordinary steel! Prices describing different types of steel are shown below (in the product description).
1) You can contact us via the Internet on our website, on our Facebook page or with our manager in a personal message.
2) Describe the exact characteristics of the material you want. Do not forget to specify the product code (it can be found on the site) and attach a photo.
3) You can discuss any of your wishes regarding the order used in personal correspondence with the shop manager. All agreed dates for your orders are preliminary. Work is manual labor and depending on production difficulties, the time may be shifted. hope for your understanding.
1) You can pay for the order in three currencies: a) US dollars (US $); b) euro (euro); c) hryvnia (UAH) (only for citizens of Ukraine).
2) There are only three payment methods:
a) SWIFT payments.
b) WesternUnion
c) MoneyGramm
3) You can prepay 50% or pay the full amount for your order.
4) Shipping costs are paid by the customer.
5) An order cannot be canceled by the client after its approval and payment for the order itself. Only in case of justified reasons, the customer can return 50% of the cost of the entire order. These 50% are payment for the spent production materials and fixing the client in the order list. *** (If the client paid only half of the cost of the entire order, his advance payment is not refunded at all) ***.
1) Shipping cost depends on the country of destination.
2) The order is well packaged and the package contains accurate recipient information.
3) Upon delivery, the workshop is not responsible for your cargo (!!!). Mail is solely responsible.
4) There are the following methods guaranteeing safe delivery of goods:
We can send goods using any (non-national) transport company, which makes it possible to insure your cargo. If you eat
If you have any questions, please contact our manager.
You can personally come to the workshop and receive your order.
5) the workshop uses ONLY its own developments and its own materials. * the workshop also reserves the right to make changes to the design and general appearance of the product, if this does not pose a danger to the client and does not affect the special characteristics of the equipment.
1) The conditions of the order are discussed with our manager in personal correspondence.
2) The conditions can be changed depending on unforeseen circumstances (equipment breakdown; lack of necessary materials on the market, illness of artisans, etc.).
3) The workshop is not responsible in case the cupid does not fit well enough because you made the wrong measurements.
4) Transportation costs are paid by the customer (in case of incorrect measurements).
MATERIAL. What our workshop used
- Titan. Only VT 1.0 is used. All other types of titans - on request (if possible). Thiknes range 1-1.5 mm
- Seasoned Stee. You can use hardened spring steel or steel 30HGSA (hardened). Tiknes range 1 (1.2) - 2.5 mm. 3 mm - only if available at the factory (for roder)
Stainless steel on request. Tiknes 2.5mm 2mm or 3mm - asked at the time of order.
Normal steel (tool steel) - currently not available
1) The workshop uses modern and reliable metals.
2) You have the opportunity to order titanium armor.
3) We cannot guarantee hardened items. This is always a risk. There is always a chance of destruction, but we ALWAYS test our products to reduce this probability.
Feedback about our helmet from Ilia Dragan

WhatsApp +380996803959
Telegram @Vetal68
Mail V.balichev@icloud.com
*instagram and Facebook- action button on website
***Be careful. The products of our workshop can be purchased only on our official resources. We do not cooperate with other projects and resellers. Be careful and do not get caught in the network of scammers.
WE work for YOU